PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia - Founded in 1989, RCTI is the first private national TV station in Indonesia. RCTI has the largest broadcast coverage as compared to other nationwide TV stations, reaching 180 million viewers in 319 cities across Indonesia. Due to our business expansion, we require high caliber, talented, energetic individuals, who value integrity and ethical behavior to fill below position :
FM Section Officer - Jakarta
Responsibilities :
- Able to make the RAB (Rencana Anggaran Bangunan)
- Understand about planning, drafting and structure
- Able to conduct surveillance in the field
- Able to calculate the need of building materials to be used in the field, depend on RAP
- Can make analysis for building maintenance
- Male
- Bachelor degree, major in Civil Engineering
- GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Max, 27 years old
- Creative, flexible, dynamic and love challenges
- Able to work individually as well as a team
- Good communications and interpersonal skils
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